Saturday 19 January 2013

Do Women Deserve Less Money than Men?

I never knew that organizations devise their pay scales according to need based formula. While working in one of the prestigious academic sectors of Pakistan in Islamabad, I came across an argument with my colleague.

My colleague claimed that my home would not affected at all even if I stop earning. I asked her that though I am not a bread earner for my family but I work to live a comfortable and better life with luxuries.

Despite that time has changed and many women are now working, some to support their families and others to make their lifestyles better, the common perception prevails that women work for fun and enjoyment.

The same mentality exists in workplaces. Pay discrimination on the basis of gender is the brutal truth that faces every woman when she steps out to work. In Pakistan, women are usually paid less than heir male counterparts. Their efforts are not taken seriously though they are equally hard working as men. I can confidently quote my example and say that I work more than my male colleagues and spend less time in gossiping, messing etc.

The performance indicator tools used by many organizations are either too vague or obsolete that their results can’t be trusted. No one can judge the work and pressure of the other worker unless he or she is in the same shoes. When talk about my work, I have done my work loyally and I when I delegate that particular work to my assistant, I know how much hard work he/she has put in it

The performance indicator tools need to be changed in order to evaluate the right pay and wages. It specially requires training and development of HR department who should see women and men with the same sight.

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