Tuesday 22 January 2013

PhD for a song

I read with interest Iftekhar A Khan’s article ‘PhD for a song’ (Jan 16). I hold no brief for former governor Latif Khosa but would like to point out a few factual inaccuracies. The post for which Khosa has been recommended is that of rector which is equivalent to a federal minister. This is a symbolic position and the person holding this post hardly has any powers. All rectors in the past have been political appointees. The late Dr M Afzal, Prof Fateh M Malik and Dr Manzoor Ahmad, who held this position, were all educationists but were appointed on purely political basis. Some others who enjoyed this position were the late Mairaj M Khalid and justices Afzal Zullah and Khalil-ur-Rehman.

It is quite obvious that Khosa, who is a highly educated lawyer, is qualified for the position. I fully agree with the writer’s comments about Dr Babar Awan and other controversial politicians. I also wish to point out that there are persons in the private sectors who are not qualified enough to become even lecturers but are holding far more senior positions.

Jahanzeb Khan


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